1 (edited by rubenxinternet 31-08-2017 16:54:04)

Topic: Comparison to Adobe AE Twixtor

Hi!, I´ve been using SVP arround two years for watching anime, and since I downloaded it, I´ve been trying different configurations with every update. Today I´m comparing it with the After Effects plugin Twixtor, and I realised that the blur Twixtor applies in videos gives it more smoothness than the awful artifacts that SVP creates while trying to create a new frame. I wonder if there is any option to switch the artifacts image to a blur image like After Effects does.
P.S. Sorry for my english XD
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdR2gUG … e=youtu.be

Post's attachments

Desktop 08.31.2017 -[2017.08.31_14.03.58].jpg 33.55 kb, 196 downloads since 2017-08-31 

Re: Comparison to Adobe AE Twixtor

yeah, this's pretty scary
could you please share the sample clip?

Re: Comparison to Adobe AE Twixtor

I shared an example image. Anyway, maybe there is any plugin or script to do it?

Re: Comparison to Adobe AE Twixtor

"image" is not enough to play with SVP settings

MVTools can do some kind of motion blur (MFlowBlur function)

5 (edited by rubenxinternet 31-08-2017 14:01:49)

Re: Comparison to Adobe AE Twixtor

And how can I use MVTools? Is it downloadable from the svp website?
P.S. I don´t know how to use plugins :C

6 (edited by Mystery 02-09-2017 04:43:22)

Re: Comparison to Adobe AE Twixtor

Here's a frame interpolation script using MvTools

You need to learn the basics of Avisynth first.

Would MFlowBlur be useful anywhere in that script?

Wait a second. Could artifacts be covered with MFlowBlur instead of frame blending? Does MFlowBlur generate artifacts?

Re: Comparison to Adobe AE Twixtor

> Does MFlowBlur generate artifacts?

yes, since it uses the very same (i.e. wrong) motion vectors