Topic: Custom resolutions - no need for reclock?
As a way to avoid needing to use reclock (for good reason I want to I decided to create a custom refresh of 47.952hz (2 x 23.976) since all of my film library is at 23.976 fps.
I set my output to my new refresh rate of 47.952 and confirming in MPC-HC that the refresh rate is working correctly (CTRL-J) I set SVP to do "Movie x 2" and sit back and hope that things were just as smooth as when I ran at 50hz with the same settings and using reclock. It's nowhere near, it's really juddery and something clearly isn't working correctly. I used CRU (custom refresh utility) to carry out the custom refresh settings. What can I be doing wrong?
Ultimately I wanted to set a custom refresh rate of 71.928hz in order to use "Movie x3".