Topic: Lower the cpu temps

Hi, I being trying different combinations of settings for obtain the best viewing experience at the same time don't burn my htpc, I use madvr (ngu scalling 1080p videos to 4k) along with svp something that I wouldn't trade off, so I read in this forum that setting the option with top of coarse level =small save cpu power, but what this option actually do and how impact in the smoothness and artifacts.
Gtx 1070,I7 3370k, 8gb ram.

Re: Lower the cpu temps

with top of coarse level

actually, it doesn't work as it should, will be fixed in the next release

Re: Lower the cpu temps

Chainik wrote:

with top of coarse level

actually, it doesn't work as it should, will be fixed in the next release

OK, good to know, in the meantime what you recommend for
Half pixel
Blend adjacent frame

Thanks in advance

Re: Lower the cpu temps

I recommend using automatic settings wink