Topic: Cannot get it working on either MPCHC or VLC
Someone mentioned this project, I thought I'd give it a try but I cannot get it to work. I setup MPC HC exactly as in the tutorial but the video doesn't look any smoother. I've also tried VLC, in which the "SVP in VLC" button doesn't work (it tells me it has no permissions even though I enabled the permissions to the video filter folder like in the tutorial) so I manually copied the libvapoursynth_plugin.dll.22 into the folder manually. I tried leaving it as that and also renaming to libdeinterlace_plugin (without the .22 of course) and nothing happens when I enable deinterlacing in VLC. Since the file was named .22 i assumed that meant VLC 2.2 and not 3.0 as in the forum post it said to use the 3.0 dll which does not exist.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, if someone could help that'd be great!