Topic: GPU init problem with Avisynth, but not with Vapoursynth
Got the problem that 64bit Vapoursynth works fine with SVP (svpflow-, but 32bit Avisynth+ doesn't.
using Avisynth+ 32bit with:
# loading source: F:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi
# input color sampling YV12
# input luminance scale tv
# current resolution: 640x352
# filtering
return last
and InterFram2.avsi containing:
# #
# InterFrame 2.8.2 by SubJunk #
# #
# A frame interpolation script that makes accurate estimations #
# about the content of non-existent frames #
# Its main use is to give videos higher framerates like newer TVs do #
# For instructions and further information see the included InterFrame.html
# For news go to
function InterFrame(clip Input, string "Preset", string "Tuning", int "NewNum", int "NewDen", bool "GPU", string "InputType", int "OverrideAlgo", int "OverrideArea", int "Cores", bool "FrameDouble") {
# Defaults
Preset = default(Preset , "Medium")
NewNum = default(NewNum , 0 )
NewDen = default(NewDen , 0 )
Tuning = default(Tuning , "Film" )
GPU = default(GPU , false )
InputType = default(InputType , "2D" )
OverrideAlgo = default(OverrideAlgo, 0 )
OverrideArea = default(OverrideArea, 0 )
FrameDouble = default(FrameDouble , false )
# Convert integers to strings
NewNum = String(NewNum)
NewDen = String(NewDen)
OverrideAlgo = String(OverrideAlgo)
OverrideArea = String(OverrideArea)
# Validate inputs
Assert(Preset == "Medium" || Preset == "Fast" || Preset == "Faster" || Preset == "Fastest", "'"+Preset+"' is not a valid preset. Please check the documentation for a list of the valid presets.")
Assert(Tuning == "Film" || Tuning == "Smooth" || Tuning == "Animation" || Tuning == "Weak", "'"+Tuning+"' is not a valid tuning. Please check the documentation for a list of the valid tunings.")
Assert(InputType == "2D" || InputType == "SBS" || InputType == "OU" || InputType == "HSBS" || InputType == "HOU", "'"+InputType+"' is not a valid InputType. Please check the documentation for a list of the valid InputTypes.")
Assert(Defined(Cores), "You must enter a value for Cores. Please check the documentation for details.")
# Get either 1 or 2 clips depending on InputType
InputType == "SBS" ? Eval("""
FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0 , 0, -Input.Width/2, 0), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(Input.Width/2, 0, 0 , 0), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
StackHorizontal(FirstEye, SecondEye)
""") : InputType == "OU" ? Eval("""
FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0, 0 , 0, -Input.Height/2), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0, Input.Height/2, 0, 0 ), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
StackVertical(FirstEye, SecondEye)
""") : InputType == "HSBS" ? Eval("""
FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0 , 0, -Input.Width/2, 0).Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(Input.Width/2, 0, 0 , 0).Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
StackHorizontal(FirstEye.Spline36Resize(Input.Width/2, Input.Height), SecondEye.Spline36Resize(Input.Width/2, Input.Height))
""") : InputType == "HOU" ? Eval("""
FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0, 0 , 0, -Input.Height/2).Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0, Input.Height/2, 0, 0 ).Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
StackVertical(FirstEye.Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height/2), SecondEye.Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height/2))
""") : Eval("""
InterFrameProcess(Input, Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
function InterFrameProcess(clip Input, string "Preset", string "Tuning", string "NewNum", string "NewDen", bool "GPU", string "InputType", string "OverrideAlgo", string "OverrideArea", int "Cores", bool "FrameDouble") {
# Create SuperString
Preset == "Fastest" ? Eval("""
SuperString = "{pel:2,"
""") : Preset == "Fast" || Preset == "Faster" ? Eval("""
SuperString = "{pel:1,"
""") : Eval("""
SuperString = "{"
GPU == true ? Eval("""
SuperString = SuperString + "scale:{up:0,down:4},gpu:1,rc:false}"
""") : Eval("""
SuperString = SuperString + "scale:{up:2,down:4},gpu:0,rc:false}"
# Create VectorsString
Tuning == "Animation" || Preset == "Fastest" ? Eval("""
VectorsString = "{block:{w:32,"
""") : Tuning == "Fast" || Preset == "Faster" || GPU == false ? Eval("""
VectorsString = "{block:{w:16,"
""") : Eval("""
VectorsString = "{block:{w:8,"
Tuning == "Animation" || Tuning == "Fastest" ? Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "overlap:0"
""") : Preset == "Faster" && GPU == true ? Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "overlap:1"
""") : Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "overlap:2"
Tuning == "Animation" ? Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "},main:{search:{coarse:{type:2,"
""") : Preset == "Faster" ? Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "},main:{search:{coarse:{"
""") : Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "},main:{search:{distance:0,coarse:{"
Tuning == "Animation" ? Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "distance:-6,satd:false},distance:0,"
""") : Tuning == "Weak" ? Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "distance:-1,trymany:true,"
""") : Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "distance:-10,"
Tuning == "Animation" || Preset == "Faster" || Preset == "Fastest" ? Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "bad:{sad:2000}}}}}"
""") : Tuning == "Weak" ? Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250,search:{distance:-1,satd:true}}]}"
""") : Eval("""
VectorsString = VectorsString + "bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}"
# Create SmoothString
NewNum != "0" ? Eval("""
SmoothString = "{rate:{num:"+NewNum+",den:"+NewDen+",abs:true},"
""") : Input.Framerate == 15 || Input.Framerate == 25 || Input.Framerate == 30 || FrameDouble == true ? Eval("""
SmoothString = "{rate:{num:2,den:1,abs:false},"
""") : Eval("""
SmoothString = "{rate:{num:60000,den:1001,abs:true},"
OverrideAlgo != "0" ? Eval("""
SmoothString = SmoothString + "algo:"+OverrideAlgo+",mask:{cover:80,"
""") : Tuning == "Animation" ? Eval("""
SmoothString = SmoothString + "algo:2,mask:{"
""") : Tuning == "Smooth" ? Eval("""
SmoothString = SmoothString + "algo:23,mask:{"
""") : Eval("""
SmoothString = SmoothString + "algo:13,mask:{cover:80,"
OverrideArea != "0" ? Eval("""
SmoothString = SmoothString + "area:"+OverrideArea
""") : Tuning == "Smooth" ? Eval("""
SmoothString = SmoothString + "area:150"
""") : Eval("""
SmoothString = SmoothString + "area:0"
Tuning == "Weak" ? Eval("""
SmoothString = SmoothString + ",area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true, mode:0, limits: {blocks: 50}}}"
""") : Eval("""
SmoothString = SmoothString + ",area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true, mode:0}}"
# Make interpolation vector clip
Super = SVSuper(Input, SuperString)
Vectors = SVAnalyse(Super, VectorsString)
# Put it together
smooth_video = SVSmoothFps(Input, Super, Vectors, SmoothString, url="", mt=Cores)
I get:
SVSmoothFps: unable to init GPU-based renderer [code 0x10000]
using 64bit Vapoursynth and
# Imports
import os
import sys
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.get_core()
# Import scripts folder
scriptPath = 'I:/Hybrid/64bit/vsscripts'
# Loading Plugins
# Import scripts
import havsfunc
# Loading F:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi using FFMS2K
clip = core.ffms2.Source(source="F:/TESTCL~1/files/test.avi",cachefile="E:/Temp/avi_078c37f69bb356e7b5fa040c71584c40_41.ffindex",format=vs.YUV420P8,alpha=False)
# making sure input color matrix is set as unspec
clip = core.resize.Point(clip, matrix_in_s="unspec",range_s="limited")
# making sure frame rate is set to 25/1
clip = core.std.AssumeFPS(clip, fpsnum=25, fpsden=1)
# Setting color range to TV (limited) range.
clip = core.std.SetFrameProp(clip=clip, prop="_ColorRange", intval=1)
# adjusting frame count with Interframe/SVP
clip = havsfunc.InterFrame(clip, NewNum=60, NewDen=1, GPU=True)
# Output
with havsfunc.InterFrame being:
# #
# InterFrame 2.8.2 by SubJunk #
# #
# A frame interpolation script that makes accurate estimations #
# about the content of non-existent frames #
# Its main use is to give videos higher framerates like newer TVs do #
# For instructions and further information see the included InterFrame.html
# For news go to
def InterFrame(Input, Preset='Medium', Tuning='Film', NewNum=None, NewDen=1, GPU=False, InputType='2D', OverrideAlgo=None, OverrideArea=None,
if not isinstance(Input, vs.VideoNode):
raise TypeError('InterFrame: This is not a clip')
# Validate inputs
Preset = Preset.lower()
Tuning = Tuning.lower()
InputType = InputType.upper()
if Preset not in ['medium', 'fast', 'faster', 'fastest']:
raise ValueError("InterFrame: '{Preset}' is not a valid preset".format(Preset=Preset))
if Tuning not in ['film', 'smooth', 'animation', 'weak']:
raise ValueError("InterFrame: '{Tuning}' is not a valid tuning".format(Tuning=Tuning))
if InputType not in ['2D', 'SBS', 'OU', 'HSBS', 'HOU']:
raise ValueError("InterFrame: '{InputType}' is not a valid InputType".format(InputType=InputType))
def InterFrameProcess(clip):
# Create SuperString
if Preset in ['fast', 'faster', 'fastest']:
SuperString = '{pel:1,'
SuperString = '{'
SuperString += 'gpu:1}' if GPU else 'gpu:0}'
# Create VectorsString
if Tuning == 'animation' or Preset == 'fastest':
VectorsString = '{block:{w:32,'
elif Preset in ['fast', 'faster'] or not GPU:
VectorsString = '{block:{w:16,'
VectorsString = '{block:{w:8,'
if Tuning == 'animation' or Preset == 'fastest':
VectorsString += 'overlap:0'
elif Preset == 'faster' and GPU:
VectorsString += 'overlap:1'
VectorsString += 'overlap:2'
if Tuning == 'animation':
VectorsString += '},main:{search:{coarse:{type:2,'
elif Preset == 'faster':
VectorsString += '},main:{search:{coarse:{'
VectorsString += '},main:{search:{distance:0,coarse:{'
if Tuning == 'animation':
VectorsString += 'distance:-6,satd:false},distance:0,'
elif Tuning == 'weak':
VectorsString += 'distance:-1,trymany:true,'
VectorsString += 'distance:-10,'
if Tuning == 'animation' or Preset in ['faster', 'fastest']:
VectorsString += 'bad:{sad:2000}}}}}'
elif Tuning == 'weak':
VectorsString += 'bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250,search:{distance:-1,satd:true}}]}'
VectorsString += 'bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}'
# Create SmoothString
if NewNum is not None:
SmoothString = '{rate:{num:' + repr(NewNum) + ',den:' + repr(NewDen) + ',abs:true},'
elif clip.fps_num / clip.fps_den in [15, 25, 30] or FrameDouble:
SmoothString = '{rate:{num:2,den:1,abs:false},'
SmoothString = '{rate:{num:60000,den:1001,abs:true},'
if OverrideAlgo is not None:
SmoothString += 'algo:' + repr(OverrideAlgo) + ',mask:{cover:80,'
elif Tuning == 'animation':
SmoothString += 'algo:2,mask:{'
elif Tuning == 'smooth':
SmoothString += 'algo:23,mask:{'
SmoothString += 'algo:13,mask:{cover:80,'
if OverrideArea is not None:
SmoothString += 'area:{OverrideArea}'.format(OverrideArea=OverrideArea)
elif Tuning == 'smooth':
SmoothString += 'area:150'
SmoothString += 'area:0'
if Tuning == 'weak':
SmoothString += ',area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true,mode:0,limits:{blocks:50}}}'
SmoothString += ',area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true,mode:0}}'
# Make interpolation vector clip
Super = core.svp1.Super(clip, SuperString)
Vectors = core.svp1.Analyse(Super['clip'], Super['data'], clip, VectorsString)
# Put it together
return core.svp2.SmoothFps(clip, Super['clip'], Super['data'], Vectors['clip'], Vectors['data'], SmoothString)
# Get either 1 or 2 clips depending on InputType
if InputType == 'SBS':
FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, right=Input.width // 2))
SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, left=Input.width // 2))
return core.std.StackHorizontal([FirstEye, SecondEye])
elif InputType == 'OU':
FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, bottom=Input.height // 2))
SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, top=Input.height // 2))
return core.std.StackVertical([FirstEye, SecondEye])
elif InputType == 'HSBS':
FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, right=Input.width // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, left=Input.width // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
return core.std.StackHorizontal([core.resize.Spline36(FirstEye, Input.width // 2, Input.height),
core.resize.Spline36(SecondEye, Input.width // 2, Input.height)])
elif InputType == 'HOU':
FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, bottom=Input.height // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, top=Input.height // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
return core.std.StackVertical([core.resize.Spline36(FirstEye, Input.width, Input.height // 2),
core.resize.Spline36(SecondEye, Input.width, Input.height // 2)])
return InterFrameProcess(Input)
Works fine.
Any clue why using Avisynth fails and using Vapoursynth works? Reinstalling drivers didn't help.
(Using Win10 pro 64bit as OS.)
Cu Selur