Topic: dropping a lot of frames with svp index 1.00 constantly
i just installed Pot player 32 and SVP index is 1.00, i had issue with unstable index and movies are now much more smoother since i installed this player. But i still notice tearing sometimes, or lag. Even i have SVP index 1.00 almost at all times. But when i open playback info from Pot player. I see a lot of dropped frames - like 50 per second. And sometimes i have a little bit less than target fps (119.880). But i don't have more than a little over 120. I don't know if whole frame is dropped, if i don't have it in time. But that still doesn't explain 50 dropped frames per second, while i see 119.77 fps least. How can i drop 50 frames at the same time, that doesn't make even sense. And svp index was during all of this exactly 1.0. And my monitor frequency svp pro reports 119.884, only 0.004 hz difference. Cpu isn't even maxed, gpu isn't maxed as well. Strange indeed...