Topic: Transcode Keeps failing

Hello, I'm quite new to using SVP, particularly using transcode function.
I've downloaded the mpv with Vapoursynth support (although I dont know if it works) along with mkvmerge.
Whenever I try to transcode a file it instantly fails and I'm not sure what to do.

Post's attachments

active.log 12.56 kb, 221 downloads since 2020-02-24 

coder.log 751 b, 188 downloads since 2020-02-24 

Re: Transcode Keeps failing

> I've downloaded the mpv with Vapoursynth support

Why? SVP has everything it needs in the installation folder\mpv64  subfolder.

If you really want to run some other mpv builds from somewhere (D:\mpv-x86_64-20200223-git-57ecfb4/) you have to specify proper PATH/PYTHONPATH values.