Topic: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

I've decided to share my SVP Pro and MPV Player settings. I think I've achived some "normal" playback smoothness (without soap-opera effect).  Maybe others will be interesting to do this too. I've spent a lot of time reading/asking members/devs about diffenrent things.So let's go...:

Audio/Video configuration:

PC-->A/V receiver-->TV

Windows settings:

In NV panel:4K, 59.940 Hz, 12 bit, 422 colour format.
In Windows 10 display properties: Enable HDR

CPU: i7 8700k ( with MCE enabled--> 4,7Ghz)
RAM:32 GB @ 3200Mhz
GPU: RTX 2070 Super (GTX 1070 was using before-also fine,just replaced because I needed USB-C video otput)

MPV config file:

hwdec=no   (in my case I had some choppy moments when using hardware decoding, I think it's due to GPU overload)

video-sync=display-desync (I think it works like Reclock but lets you do bitstreaming without audio drops)




audio-spdif=ac3,eac3,dts-hd,truehd (it lets all multichannel audio to passtrough)

I do not use NVOF function, don't like, it has worse artefact masking in my opinion.
Above settings I use for watching 4K HDR and 1080p; with 23,976 fps content.
AND- don't forget to turn off TV's interplation feature, it will ruine whole SVP effort smile

SVP Pro settings:

Post's attachments

SVPPro_settings.jpg, 120.06 kb, 593 x 603
SVPPro_settings.jpg 120.06 kb, 384 downloads since 2020-10-16 

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

Why would you use svp when new tv's can do interpolation better ? And here are my 2 settings that work best for me.
1)Adaptive smooth settings
One Pixel
Small and Fast
2)Max Smoothness for Me
One Pixel
Both work great with anime. Movies tend to produce motion blur so no matter what you do they will produce artifacts

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

cemaydnlar wrote:

Why would you use svp when new tv's can do interpolation better ?

Yeah, maybe you're right but in my case  I have some choppy playback-single moments, with my Samsung's inerpolatiion, it's quite old model: KU 6400.... Or it might be because of nvidia eternal problem with keeping 23,976 clocks in perfect sync? Anyway, with my config above, I didn't found any artefacts around the moving objects etc.

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

Great thread, i have avery similar settings to you, this is my 4k settings for movies. this is the best i can acheive without any artifacts, i do like uniform but too many artifacts, so i went with 1.5 (less artifacts) option.
cpu i5 9600k
gpu rx 5700 xt
16gb 3400 ram

desktop  set at 4k 60hz 10 bit 4.2.0

to screen 60fps
1.5 (lesss artifacts)
10 by blocks
One Pixel
repeat frame

otic wrote:

I've decided to share my SVP Pro and MPV Player settings. I think I've achived some "normal" playback smoothness (without soap-opera effect).  Maybe others will be interesting to do this too. I've spent a lot of time reading/asking members/devs about diffenrent things.So let's go...:

Audio/Video configuration:

PC-->A/V receiver-->TV

Windows settings:

In NV panel:4K, 59.940 Hz, 12 bit, 422 colour format.
In Windows 10 display properties: Enable HDR

CPU: i7 8700k ( with MCE enabled--> 4,7Ghz)
RAM:32 GB @ 3200Mhz
GPU: RTX 2070 Super (GTX 1070 was using before-also fine,just replaced because I needed USB-C video otput)

MPV config file:

hwdec=no   (in my case I had some choppy moments when using hardware decoding, I think it's due to GPU overload)

video-sync=display-desync (I think it works like Reclock but lets you do bitstreaming without audio drops)




audio-spdif=ac3,eac3,dts-hd,truehd (it lets all multichannel audio to passtrough)

I do not use NVOF function, don't like, it has worse artefact masking in my opinion.
Above settings I use for watching 4K HDR and 1080p; with 23,976 fps content.
AND- don't forget to turn off TV's interplation feature, it will ruine whole SVP effort smile

SVP Pro settings:

5 (edited by dlr5668 17-10-2020 03:27:37)

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

cemaydnlar wrote:

Why would you use svp when new tv's can do interpolation better ? And here are my 2 settings that work best for me.

$2000 vs svp cost big_smile Its quite a lot in covid times and/or poor countries

I see most of you missing integral multiplier. Some prefer 3x, some 2x. It really enhances SVP quality

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

dlr5668 wrote:
cemaydnlar wrote:

Why would you use svp when new tv's can do interpolation better ? And here are my 2 settings that work best for me.

$2000 vs svp cost big_smile Its quite a lot in covid times and/or poor countries

I see most of you missing integral multiplier. Some prefer 3x, some 2x. It really enhances SVP quality

I live in a poor country. I don't speak for myself. I speak for those who can buy a new tv for 1500 dollar. For me multipliers don't work i get the best results with to screen.

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

cemaydnlar wrote:

I live in a poor country. I don't speak for myself. I speak for those who can buy a new tv for 1500 dollar. For me multipliers don't work i get the best results with to screen.

Did u change monitor/tv hz to match that ? eg 71.928 for 3x

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

dlr5668 wrote:
cemaydnlar wrote:

I live in a poor country. I don't speak for myself. I speak for those who can buy a new tv for 1500 dollar. For me multipliers don't work i get the best results with to screen.

Did u change monitor/tv hz to match that ? eg 71.928 for 3x

Yes, eventhough it gets smoother i don't see that smooth effect on head movements or hair animations. I only get to see those effects when i use to screen.

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

dlr5668 wrote:

Did u change monitor/tv hz to match that ? eg 71.928 for 3x

I've just try to set 3x, but refresh rate only can set @ 59,940 Hz with my Samsung TV. Got keeping grow frame drop number but it seems also smooth...

Post's attachments

frames drop_71.927.jpg 316.8 kb, 181 downloads since 2020-10-17 

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

Anyone got settings for Ryzen 5 3600 with RTX 2060 Super? Planning to build it as soon as parts come in.

11 (edited by __alex__ 11-12-2020 21:48:48)

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)


Thank you for your sharing.

Is the screen with manual settings available in SVP PRO v4 trial version ? I cannot find it.


EDIT : finally I found it

Re: Share your SVP Pro settings here! :)

cemaydnlar wrote:

I live in a poor country. I don't speak for myself. I speak for those who can buy a new tv for 1500 dollar.

There are folks, believe or not, who prefer watching their stuff in front of their computer screen. When you're watching in a group, a TV is obviously better, but solo, i much prefer what i get from my Computer. I just can't get the same level of immersion when i'm sitting 3 feet away from the screen.

cemaydnlar wrote:

Yes, eventhough it gets smoother i don't see that smooth effect on head movements or hair animations. I only get to see those effects when i use to screen.

What is your Motion vector grid size set to?
Interpolating to a integral multiplier is definitely the way to go. Much better quality while being much less taxing to your systems resources.... The only reason not to use it is if you can't figure out how to set your screen to a custom resolution/refresh rate.  For maximum smoothness, you have to avoid framedrops which is only possible if your screen is set to the refresh-rate you are interpolating to.