Topic: [BUG] SVP 4 Pro | v4.5.0.210| Windows 10 -- Updates available: Android
I'm having a bug where SVP keeps sending me notifications that there are updates available. The application (right-click menu) also says "Updates available".
What is listed, however, is "SVP for Android - 2021".
Clicking "Install via SVP Maintenance tool..." launches the updater, which proceeds to say "No updates available." (as I expect, since this is Windows, not Android).
However, in a few hours I once again receive an "Updates available" notification from SVP..........
This has been going on for days, now (possibly longer, but I've been noticing it more and more as it's irritating me more the more it happens). Can you please give me the option to stop receiving update notifications for a product I'm not using, and will not be using (iOS/Apple, and I don't watch videos on a phone anyway)? It's annoying.
Interestingly enough, I also have a licence for macOS, and this does not happen under macOS (10.12) for me. It seems to be Windows-specific - but it could also be that I'm not keeping up-to-date on macOS (since it's only listing youtube-dl which I install separately, and I don't use the YT player integration either).
Please and thank you.
SVP 4 Pro
OS: Windows 10