1 (edited by queenbiscuit311 10-05-2022 19:22:45)

Topic: What does the strikethrough font in SVPtube mean

Some formats in SVPtube have a strikethrough font for some reason. I would assume that this means that the format s don't work, however they do work, so I'm not sure what it means. Audio only formats are often crossed out except they can and will play and download fine so I don't see the issue. I attached some images to show this.

Post's attachments

image_2022-05-10_142234104.png, 20.84 kb, 411 x 203
image_2022-05-10_142234104.png 20.84 kb, 177 downloads since 2022-05-10 

image_2022-05-10_142241655.png, 16.75 kb, 413 x 161
image_2022-05-10_142241655.png 16.75 kb, 151 downloads since 2022-05-10 

Re: What does the strikethrough font in SVPtube mean

"Strikethrough font" is used for non recommended formats. They show if you press button "Show another and hidden formats". All formats must work.
You must use compatible video player. You can read more about it here:

Re: What does the strikethrough font in SVPtube mean

Okay, that makes sense. Thank you!