Topic: RIFE AI with Tensor RT transcoding error

Hi, I'm getting an error while trying to transcode a file with the RIFE AI profile. I'll leave every info I can think of here hoping that someone can help me.

- In the attachments you can find the log that comes up when you click "show log" on the transcoding tab of svp4. It shows the error but I don't know what it means/how to fix it
- RIFE profile settings: attachment called RIFE_AI_Engine_Profile.png
- Transcoding settings: attachment called RIFE_AI_Transcoding.png
- Mediainfo of the file I'm trying to transcode is also in the attachments
- Checked for updates but none is available

Misc. info:
- I've been using svp for a few years now, I just set up RIFE with Tensor RT following the guide on the wiki. I double checked everything so I don't think I did something wrong there
- Playback seems to work fine (with MPC-HC)

Sorry if the post is chaotic but I'm new to this forum and I don't know how to properly put images and format stuff.

Thank you all in advance

Post's attachments

coder.log 1.95 kb, 148 downloads since 2023-04-24 

RIFE_AI_Engine_Profile.png, 37.25 kb, 598 x 728
RIFE_AI_Engine_Profile.png 37.25 kb, 140 downloads since 2023-04-24 

RIFE_AI_Transcoding.png, 40.78 kb, 596 x 731
RIFE_AI_Transcoding.png 40.78 kb, 168 downloads since 2023-04-24 

Re: RIFE AI with Tensor RT transcoding error

the source is kinda broken, ffmpeg refuses to encode it
> [ffmpeg] matroska: pts (98) < dts (104) in stream 0

3 (edited by Soggow 24-04-2023 22:47:21)

Re: RIFE AI with Tensor RT transcoding error

Chainik wrote:

the source is kinda broken, ffmpeg refuses to encode it
> [ffmpeg] matroska: pts (98) < dts (104) in stream 0

Funny thing is, the source is an .mkv video cut using ffmpeg with a simple command:
> ffmpeg -ss MM:SS -i "source_file.mkv" -c copy -to MM:SS "dest_file.mkv"

Something strange I noticed is that the refresh rate (you can check this inside the mediaInfo.txt) changed to variable. I did a quick search and this seems to be a somewhat expected behaviour. Could that be the problem? Because otherwise the video plays just fine in both MPC-HC/mpv. I also tried to transcode the source file (before the ffmpeg command) and it starts without problems. Maybe there's an issue with the ffmpeg command I used, I don't use it often so it's possible that I'm missing something.
I apologize for bothering you if that's the case.
The only interesting thing about the command I used is that using the "copy" option after -c ffmpeg doesn't re-encode the source. Maybe that's a problem if the file has to be encoded afterwards?

Thanks again for helping!

Edit: grammar/spelling