flowreen91 wrote:hvs wrote:Would love to use MPV but I can't find the way to enable fps counter.
Try Shift + I or hold I to enable fps counter.
MPV seems faster than MPC-HC. It gives more stable fps.
hvs wrote:I hope someone can guide me in getting Soap Opera effect using RIFE in SVP.
Try this and say if you get stuck or instructions are unclear
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 352#p83352
Thanks you so much for this. Yes it's true that MPV is much more stable.
aloola wrote:hvs wrote:I hope someone can guide me in getting Soap Opera effect using RIFE in SVP.
currently, the best quality that almost gets rid of the soap effect is models 4.12 and 4.13.
4.0->4.6: about the same quality and same performance
4.7->4.9: about the same quality and same performance, the performance cost +20% than 4.0->4.6
4.10->4.13: about the same quality and same performance, the performance cost +20% than 4.7->4.9
4.12lite, 4.13lite: performance between 4.7->4.9 and 4.10->4.13
my recommended models are: 4.6, 4.9 and 4.13
Thanks for the recommendation. When searching the solution for my problem, I read in this post regarding how v2 has much more advantage than v1..
So I tried 4.9 v2... but it seems like there's even Ensemble version, which I didn't find anywhere about it said here, or probably just missed the conversation regarding it.
4.9 V2 seems very stable for me, and the wait isnt that long either, i just have to wait for no more than 1 minute or two.
Tried to encode Kagejitsu S2 Ep 12 using it before i went to sleep too, but iirc it finished around 3 hours (because my pc auto shut down around that time).
The result is so great. the artifacts are almost none, and even if its there, its very subtle, which makes it worth the wait than watching the anime with live interpolation. This is a good option for me if I had no need to watch the anime ASAP.
All those talk aside, what I actually want to achieve is that soap effect that everyone hates. I am weird in that I love that soap effect XD.
I'll try 4.13 later I guess.
RickyAstle98 wrote:Idk why you wait 5 minutes, maybe engine build is CPU limited? I have 10700K and RTX 4070 and NVMe too, but slower cache build time was 2m24sec only!
eh that was just my estimate for max time i waited (not timed).. its actually less than that ig. mostly around 30-1 mins. Ig it depends on the scene to interpolate
Also talking about CPU..
Can't we use GPU as a main to transcode? or is it only just mainly CPU with GPU as backup?