Topic: Transcoding with Quick Sync is broken | software encoding still works

I want inform you that transcoding and compressing with QSV doesnt work anymore. Transcoding with sofware compression still works as it should.

Transcoding to h.264 and h.265 stops with an error.
Transcoding to AV1 is working at the first look but produces bad files e.g. interpolation to 120 fps give a file with 105 fps with short "bursts" to 120fps every second.

Tested on two different PCs

Re: Transcoding with Quick Sync is broken | software encoding still works

what error? show the transcoding log.

Re: Transcoding with Quick Sync is broken | software encoding still works

just found out it depends what container the source is.
transcoding of a testvideo in mp4 container works but when this video is put in a mkv container via MKVToolNixGUI it fails.

log of the mkv-version of the working mp4 video

20:48:40.671: ===== Starting mpv ======
20:48:40.671: Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\mpv64\mpv.exe I:/testvid-2.mkv --o=C:/output/testvid-2.SVP.temporary.mkv --no-audio --no-sub --no-sub-auto --input-ipc-server=mpvencodepipe --input-media-keys=no --no-msg-color --vf=vapoursynth:[C:\Users\user.DESKTOP-4VN3MOC\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\]:4:4,fps=59.940 --of=matroska --ovc=hevc_qsv --ovcopts=preset=veryslow,look_ahead=1,global_quality=21,time_base=1000/59940,threads=4
20:48:40.797: (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 960x540 29.970fps)
20:48:40.797: Audio --aid=1 (*) (aac 2ch 48000Hz)
20:48:47.766: [autoconvert] Converting yuv420p -> nv12
20:48:47.773: VO: [lavc] 960x540 nv12
20:48:47.773: [vo/lavc] Opening encoder: HEVC (Intel Quick Sync Video acceleration) [hevc_qsv]
20:48:47.774: [vo/lavc] AVOption 'look_ahead' not found.
20:48:48.137: [encode] Opening output file: C:/output/testvid-2.SVP.temporary.mkv
20:48:48.137: [encode] Opening muxer: Matroska [matroska]
20:48:48.150: V: 00:00:00 / 00:15:24 (0%) {0.3min 0.0MB} Cache: 923s/97MB
20:48:48.471: [ffmpeg] matroska: Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 0: 150 >= 133
20:48:48.471: [encode] Writing packet failed.
20:48:48.767: Exiting... (Interrupted by error)
20:48:48.767: V: 00:00:00 / 00:15:24 (0%) {7.7min 18.2fps 0.0MB} Cache: 923s/97MB
20:48:48.871: (!!!) Intermediate file may be broken: C:\output\testvid-2.SVP.temporary.mkv
20:48:48.871: ===== mpv exited with code 2 =====

Re: Transcoding with Quick Sync is broken | software encoding still works

this is more like a source video problem - some frames timestamps are not correct, probably

Re: Transcoding with Quick Sync is broken | software encoding still works

[it was a spammer]