Topic: Your recommended settings for movies. And what to change
So, as the title says. what would be the best possible settings for movies?
Here is a picture of my current settings:
Along with my specs which i'd consider medium range at this year.
CPU: i9-9900k
Ram: 32GB @ 4600Mhz
GPU: RTX 2080
My main priority is to minimize artifacts as much as possible and then make sure it feels smooth and not choppy.
From my settings what would you consider to change for less artifacts?
What would be the best possible settings for as few artifacts as possible and which settings would one change to make it smoother without increasing the artifacts as much as possible? (or to lower the load overall on PC if mine can't handle it)
Reasons for asking. I was only able to find older posts which gave a lot of different results. Some, with barely any artifacts but rather choppy. And some with the opessite which i can understand as it does come down to personal prefference what is acceptable. Couldn't really find anything with settings to minize artifacts and information of what to tone down to increase smoothness as so on.
Thank you all in advance and hope this post can potentially help people in the future.