1 (edited by jcyxxx 24-06-2024 10:27:23)

Topic: Two weird issue need help...

It works very well but this two issue suddenly appears today.

1. Every time i open the program, it shows that 30days evaluation notify, after activate it, close and re-open svp, it shows again.
2. It suddenly not working with MPC-HC, it work very well before, i didn't change anything but it refuse to work. And after i reinstall MPC-HC and Svp4, followed every step, it still not work.

Post's attachments

active.log 4.62 kb, 28 downloads since 2024-06-24 

Re: Two weird issue need help...

check SVPManager.exe properties, Digital signatures section - is everything OK there?

Post's attachments

signatures.png 33.35 kb, 14 downloads since 2024-06-24 

Re: Two weird issue need help...

Chainik wrote:

check SVPManager.exe properties, Digital signatures section - is everything OK there?

NO, how do i fix this?

Post's attachments

1.png, 165.76 kb, 977 x 678
1.png 165.76 kb, 26 downloads since 2024-06-24 

Re: Two weird issue need help...

check "certification path" page, which one is not ok

you did something with system's root certificates?
"GlobalSign Code Signing Root R45" must be installed

Re: Two weird issue need help...

Chainik wrote:

check "certification path" page, which one is not ok

you did something with system's root certificates?
"GlobalSign Code Signing Root R45" must be installed

I don't think i did something with it, it just happened.
How do i fix it? Where to download it?

Post's attachments

1.png, 72.09 kb, 484 x 667
1.png 72.09 kb, 26 downloads since 2024-06-24 

Re: Two weird issue need help...

https://support.globalsign.com/ca-certi … rtificates

Re: Two weird issue need help...

All good now!! Thx!