1 (edited by damienbt 29-06-2024 13:31:09)

Topic: How to convert a 3D Bluray to a 3D video file at 60FPS


I would like to convert my Bluray 3D to video files with smooth 60FPS and preserving 3D format.
How is it possible ?

EDIT : I tried transcoding but it would convert 3D to 2D. I tried with an other conversion tool to convert H264 MVC to H264 SBS or TB in order to have 2D frames with left/right pictures on the same frame and then use SVP transcoding but it would require 2x conversions. I wonder how could it be achieved in one step

EDIT2 : as far as I understand, SVP uses MPV to convert videos with vapoursynth (to call SVP library). Can you share the command line to do it manually and convert a given video to smooth one ? I may add the missing filter to split the MVC video file to a side by side picture ?

Thank you

Re: How to convert a 3D Bluray to a 3D video file at 60FPS

> Can you share the command line

it's right in the transcoding log

3 (edited by damienbt 30-06-2024 07:59:09)

Re: How to convert a 3D Bluray to a 3D video file at 60FPS

Thank you @Chainik, now I just need to find out the right option to have both pictures side by side !

EDIT : it seems that ffmpeg used by mpv is not able to decode frame packed format from H264 MVC codec, it will only decode the main frame (left eye) but not the diff part giving the right eye.

4 (edited by damienbt 30-06-2024 14:16:15)

Re: How to convert a 3D Bluray to a 3D video file at 60FPS

I managed to make it work but it is not a walkover
Basically : 3D blurays are not side by side or top/bottom streams but packed frames. The codec name is H264 MVC
This means that for each frame : the left picture is encoded in H264 format, whereas the right picture rebuilt from the left picture + the differential part stored apart in the same (packed) frame.
Unfortunately, ffmpeg (used by mpv, itself used by SVP transcoder) does not support H264 MVC, so the decoding process will give only 2D frames (and ignore the diff part).

To make it work, I used a tool named BD3D2MK3D : this tool is a wrapper of a set of tools (tsmuxer, mkvmerge, x264/x265 for encoding) and most of all the FRIMSource library that is able to decode H264 MVC properly.
- Decode the video and unmux it (I guess that the encoder needs to be fed then with 1 file per stream) : 1 file for video stream, 1 file per audio/subtitle streams
- The tool will generate an avisynth script file that will be used in the next step in the encoder command line : the script just grabs the left/right pictures given by the FRIMSource decoder and put them together (horizontally or vertically. I made sure to uncheck "half" because it will divide by 2 the resolutions. You will get a full HD x2 resolution stream, eg. 3840x1080

This procedure is not easy though because I had to manually modify the avisynth script to incorporate the call to SVP library: this script is located in the subfolder where all the unmuxed files are. Its name is __ENCODE_3D_MOVIE.avs
Add at script beginning (built from base.avs script in SVP4 programs folder + the generated script by SVP when using SVP transcoder) :

LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\plugins64\svpflow2.dll")
stereo_type = 1
src_fps = 23.976
function interpolate(clip)
    input_um = clip #clip.resize.Point(format=vs.YUV420P8,dither_type="random")
    input_m = input_um
    input_m8 = input_m
    super_params     = "{scale:{up:0},gpu:1,rc:true}"
    analyse_params   = "{block:{w:8,overlap:0},main:{search:{coarse:{distance:-8,bad:{sad:2000},width:530},type:2}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}"
    smoothfps_params = "{gpuid:11,gpu_qn:1,rate:{num:11,den:5},algo:23,mask:{area:100,cover:80},scene:{mode:0}}"
    rife = 0
    nvof==1 ? eval("""
        smooth = SVSmoothFps_NVOF(input_m, smoothfps_params, vec_src=input_m8, mt=threads, src=input_um)
    """) : rife==1 ? eval("""
        input_rife = input_m.ConvertBits(32,fulls=false,fulld=true).ConvertToPlanarRGB(matrix="709")
        smooth = RIFE(input_rife,factor_num=rife_num,factor_den=rife_den,model_path=rife_mpath,gpu_id=rife_gpu,gpu_thread=rife_threads,sc=rife_sc,sc_threshold=rife_scth,yv12=input_m8)
        smooth = smooth.ConvertToYUV420(matrix="709").ConvertBits(input_um.BitsPerComponent)
        smooth = SVSmoothFps_RIFE(input_m, smoothfps_params, rife_out=smooth, vec_src=vec_src, src=input_um, mt=threads)
    """) : eval("""
        super = SVSuper(input_m8, super_params)
        vectors = SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params, src=input_m8)
        smooth = SVSmoothFps(input_m, super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads, src=input_um)

    return demo_mode==0 ? smooth : demo(input_m,smooth)

And at the end of the script : quote or delete this line"Return(last)#.Info()" and replace with :


    stereo_type==0 ? eval(""" interpolate(input)
""") :     stereo_type==1 ? eval("""
        lf = interpolate(input.crop(0,0,input.width/2,0))
        rf = interpolate(input.crop(input.width/2,0,0,0))
        StackHorizontal(lf, rf)
""") :     stereo_type==2 ? Eval("""
        lf = interpolate(input.crop(0,0,0,input.height/2))
        rf = interpolate(input.crop(0,input.height/2,0,0))
        StackVertical(lf, rf)""") : input


Now I have a MKV 3D at full resolution (2x FullHD) and smooth (60FPS in my case) that I can ready with my 3D projector (I used Zidoo device for playback)
No need to plug my PC anymore and configure MPC-BE for smooth 3D playback.

This procedure should be industrialized, I will see if I can put my hand on this tool and upgrade it with SVP options

Re: How to convert a 3D Bluray to a 3D video file at 60FPS

cool big_smile

but "2x conversion" looks much more user-friendly

Re: How to convert a 3D Bluray to a 3D video file at 60FPS

You're so right :-) I am just concerned by the loss of quality (having to compress twice) and the time spending on this lol.
The developer of the tool gave me important advices and maybe he will make some adaptations to make the process more user friendly, we'll see