Topic: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

I've been using madVR for a couple years with MPC-HC and today I decided to try SVP. It worked well with 1080p content but struggles with 4k content. I get a rendering time of about 16ms and I'm dropping frames constantly and it is super stuttery. I thought maybe my RTX 3080 and 3800x Ryzen weren't cutting it so I put my rendering options in madVR down to bilinear to lower the drag on the GPU but nothing changed. I tried turning the optical flow on and off and nothing changed. Any ideas on what to try next?

I'm also seeing some artifacting but that is less of a concern at the moment.

Re: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

Ok so I've played around and looks like my 3080 can handle madVR doing 4k60fps but perhaps not while SVP is going from 24 to 60fps. Is this correct? A 3080 and 3080 cannot manage tonemapping 4k content AND SVP to 60hz?

Re: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

try MPC VR

Re: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

Chainik wrote:

try MPC VR

Thank you. Is this something that I can use WITH madVR or is it a replacement for madVR? I don't see much info online

Re: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

it's a default renderer in MPC-HC now
a replacement with tone mapping and Dolby Vision support

Re: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

Chainik wrote:

it's a default renderer in MPC-HC now
a replacement with tone mapping and Dolby Vision support

Thank you! Unfortunately I don't know if I'm willing to give up on madVR. Is 4K 24fps to 4k60fps with tone mapping and SVP not something that is achievable right now without a 4090?

Re: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

> Is 4K 24fps to 4k60fps with tone mapping and SVP not something that is achievable right now without a 4090?

with MPC VR it's achievable right now on almost anything big_smile
madVR is unjustifiably slow

Re: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

Chainik wrote:

> Is 4K 24fps to 4k60fps with tone mapping and SVP not something that is achievable right now without a 4090?

with MPC VR it's achievable right now on almost anything big_smile
madVR is unjustifiably slow

What do you mean by almost anything,on which models this happens, I'm on a 4070 ti super and this it's not the case.

Re: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

you can't play 4k60 because of _renderer_ performance with 4070?

Re: Frame loss in MPC-HC with madVR and some artifacts

Chainik wrote:

you can't play 4k60 because of _renderer_ performance with 4070?

iI thought you were referring to Rife. I often comment on that topic. And you were talking about regular svp.