Topic: madvr beta with smooth motion + SVP cause black&white color

When enabling "smooth motion" on the madvr settings (which allow to smooth video when interpoling 24fps to 48fps, and then madvr interpolate to your refresh rate),
the video becomes almost desaturated, black & white.
Disabling smooth motion directly make it colored again.

i'm correctly using vapoursynth filter and avisynth is disabled. I'm using madvr beta 206
How can I fix ?

It wasn't happening with the stable madvr (which is really old)

Re: madvr beta with smooth motion + SVP cause black&white color

> the video becomes almost desaturated, black & white.
> Disabling smooth motion directly make it colored again.

why are you asking here?

> and then madvr interpolate to your refresh rate

FYI, madVR doesn't interpolate anything

3 (edited by oriento 10-09-2024 16:56:45)

Re: madvr beta with smooth motion + SVP cause black&white color

i ask here because it doesn't happen if I disable the vapoursynth filter (related to svp),sorry I should have mentioned that

edit :nevermind, it's a bug in madvr sorry smile

Re: madvr beta with smooth motion + SVP cause black&white color

Curious: is this a general problem with smooth motion (madvr) and vapoursynth filter or just from a specific madvr beta release?