1 (edited by MAD_EDy 05-01-2025 07:38:18)

Topic: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

Всем привет, С Новым Годом, С Новым Счастьем!!!

Пожалуйста помогите полностью настроить SVP 4 Pro( HC(64 bit 2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR до сих пор не понятно кто из них лучше) под железо:
i7-13700f, RTX 4070 Ti, 32 Gb DDR5 6000Mhz, Монитор AOC 32" 2560х1440 144 Гц 8-бит Premium FreeSync.

А то я уже ОЧЕНЬ устал, миллион непонятных мне настроек, а идеального плавного и чёткого видео добиться не могу, изрыл весь интернет, но понятных инструкций так и не нашёл, предпочитаю смотреть 4К через алгоритм Rife модель 4.25(хорошо проявила себя в Веном 3,в отличии от остальных, НО очень прожорливая), получается в 2х 47-48 к/с (Rife 4.25), в 2,5х 59-60 к/с (Rife 4.10); но всё равно местами есть "дребезжание" картинки или шумы(артефакты), что сильно напрягает, поэтому занимаюсь самобичеванием и постоянным ковырянием настроек всего этого!

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

Are you looking for a guide like this one?
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 352#p83352
The "rattling" of the picture originates from for example 2x speed, SVP showing you the original frame and then showing you the RIFE interpolated frame that is slightly off.
But to obtain the RIFE frame, the current frame and the next frame are being passed to Vapoursynth.
For Vapoursynth to process them, they are first converted into something Vapoursynth can read and then converted back into a media player frame, but this frame is now not aligning anymore with the original frame and looks like it's "rattling".
Only fix for now is to increase from 2x to 4x+ so you will see more RIFE frames and less the original non-aligned frame.
To increase the frames while your hardware cannot run it (until the end of this month when RTX 5090 releases), please try to play around with the resize setting so you limit to only send 1080p pixels or less of your 4K video.

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

flowreen91 wrote:

Are you looking for a guide like this one?
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 352#p83352
The "rattling" of the picture originates from for example 2x speed, SVP showing you the original frame and then showing you the RIFE interpolated frame that is slightly off.
But to obtain the RIFE frame, the current frame and the next frame are being passed to Vapoursynth.
For Vapoursynth to process them, they are first converted into something Vapoursynth can read and then converted back into a media player frame, but this frame is now not aligning anymore with the original frame and looks like it's "rattling".
Only fix for now is to increase from 2x to 4x+ so you will see more RIFE frames and less the original non-aligned frame.
To increase the frames while your hardware cannot run it (until the end of this month when RTX 5090 releases), please try to play around with the resize setting so you limit to only send 1080p pixels or less of your 4K video.

Да, что-то вроде этого, спасибо БОЛЬШОЕ, но хотелось бы ещё углублённее, например какой видео рендер выбрать, какие настройки выставить, а какие убрать в madVR или MPC VR; какой плеер лучше использовать - сейчас думаю есть ли вообще разница между MPC HC и MPC BE, какой из них выбрать; а эта огромная куча настроек SVP? Какую модель Rife выбрать, чем отличаются модели обычная и V2, light, heavy, ensenble и многие другие вопросы...(Yes, something like this, thank you SO MUCH, but I would like to go into more detail, for example, which video render to choose, which settings to set and which to remove in madVR or MPC VR; which player is better to use - now I’m wondering if there is any difference between MPC HC and MPC BE, which one to choose; and this huge pile of SVP settings? Which Rife model to choose, what is the difference between the regular and V2 models, light, heavy, ensenble and many other questions...)

4 (edited by flowreen91 05-01-2025 15:57:07)

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

Answer is which one u found gives best results for you lol.
MPC VR seems to work good enough for the average user.
madVR seems to make everything looks great cause it applies a ton of sharpening, scaling & other filters by default. This makes it slower than MPC VR.
MPC HC vs MPC BE, both have ongoing active development, you should choose which one has nicest user interface, no clue which one is best.
RIFE v1 models are much slower than v2 models cause v1 "generates significant useless memory and pcie traffic". Always use v2.
https://github.com/AmusementClub/vs-mlr … 1789817302
ensemble models eat too much resources, you can ignore.
lite models were created to eat less performance so they are faster than non-lite "lite means using similar training framework, but lower computational cost model"
heavy models were created recently with double the tile size of normal models. "I am trying using more flow blocks, so the scale_list will change accordingly. It seems that the anime scenes have been significantly improved." and it seems it fixed the smoothness that was lost after 4.18 models

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

flowreen91 wrote:

Answer is which one u found gives best results for you lol.
MPC VR seems to work good enough for the average user.
madVR seems to make everything looks great cause it applies a ton of sharpening, scaling & other filters by default. This makes it slower than MPC VR.
MPC HC vs MPC BE, both have ongoing active development, you should choose which one has nicest user interface, no clue which one is best.
RIFE v1 models are much slower than v2 models cause v1 "generates significant useless memory and pcie traffic". Always use v2.
https://github.com/AmusementClub/vs-mlr … 1789817302
ensemble models eat too much resources, you can ignore.
lite models were created to eat less performance so they are faster than non-lite "lite means using similar training framework, but lower computational cost model"
heavy models were created recently with double the tile size of normal models. "I am trying using more flow blocks, so the scale_list will change accordingly. It seems that the anime scenes have been significantly improved." and it seems it fixed the smoothness that was lost after 4.18 models

Вот это уже что-то)))Спасибо! значит используем heavy V2, но вот какую выбрать, к примеру вчера смотрел Гладиатор 2 в 4К, выбрал один момент с дрожащими шторами и ещё несколько быстрых, сначала 4.25  V1 - железо максимум вытягивает на 2х (47-48 к/с), потом прогнал эти отрывки на 4.10 V1 на 2,5х (59-60 к/с) - дрожание и артефакты те же, сейчас прогнал 4.25 heavy V2 - на 2х практически без дрожаний и артефактов, на 2,5х как ни странно эти отрывки прошли без торможения, НО с дрожанием картинки и артефактами, а так разницы практически не ощутил между всеми этими версиями, что то я делаю не так, надо ковырять настройки дальше, а есть какой-нибудь понятный мануал по madVR? И ещё - может Вы мне подскажете как убрать эту чёрную полосу снизу - разделяющую кино и подсветку полей? (Now that's something))) Thanks! So we use heavy V2, but which one to choose, for example yesterday I watched Gladiator 2 in 4K, chose one moment with shaking curtains and a few more fast ones, first 4.25 V1 - the hardware pulls out a maximum of 2x (47-48 fps), then ran these fragments on 4.10 V1 at 2.5x (59-60 fps) - the same shaking and artifacts, now I ran 4.25 heavy V2 - at 2x practically without shaking and artifacts, at 2.5x, oddly enough, these fragments passed without slowdown, BUT with shaking of the picture and artifacts, and so I practically did not feel the difference between all these versions, I'm doing something wrong, I need to pick at the settings further, but is there any understandable manual for madVR? And also - maybe you can tell me how to remove this black stripe at the bottom - separating the film and the backlight of the fields?)

Post's attachments

Danzel Smile.jpg, 56.28 kb, 971 x 543
Danzel Smile.jpg 56.28 kb, 15 downloads since 2025-01-05 

6 (edited by flowreen91 05-01-2025 20:18:27)

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

I managed to fix the black stripe issue:
please open "C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\script\generate.js" and edit this:
var pw = Math.floor((media.dst_w-1)/32+1)*32 - media.dst_w;
var ph = Math.floor((media.dst_h-1)/32+1)*32 - media.dst_h;
to this:
var pw = Math.floor((media.dst_w-1)/64+1)*32 - media.dst_w;
var ph = Math.floor((media.dst_h-1)/64+1)*32 - media.dst_h;
save and restart SVP and see if issue persists.

"did not feel the difference between all these versions"
default SVP cannot find the heavy rife model so it loads rife_v4.25 non-heavy instead
did you correctly replace the "helpers.py" and "vsmlrt.py" files from the bottom of the guide?
Please confirm by checking the folder where the RIFE models were generated and see if they contain "rife_v4.25_heavy.onnx" in their name:
"C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\cache\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\models\rife_v2"
If all good, then that means there are no visual improvements and those artifacts are still present. All we can do is wait for RIFE devs to train new models. xD

I see there's an ancient madVR guide here, but not much else:
https://kokomins.wordpress.com/2021/03/ … e/#madvr-1

7 (edited by MAD_EDy 05-01-2025 22:43:25)

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

flowreen91 wrote:

I managed to fix the black stripe issue:
please open "C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\script\generate.js" and edit this:
var pw = Math.floor((media.dst_w-1)/32+1)*32 - media.dst_w;
var ph = Math.floor((media.dst_h-1)/32+1)*32 - media.dst_h;
to this:
var pw = Math.floor((media.dst_w-1)/64+1)*32 - media.dst_w;
var ph = Math.floor((media.dst_h-1)/64+1)*32 - media.dst_h;
save and restart SVP and see if issue persists.

"did not feel the difference between all these versions"
default SVP cannot find the heavy rife model so it loads rife_v4.25 non-heavy instead
did you correctly replace the "helpers.py" and "vsmlrt.py" files from the bottom of the guide?
Please confirm by checking the folder where the RIFE models were generated and see if they contain "rife_v4.25_heavy.onnx" in their name:
"C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\cache\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\models\rife_v2"
If all good, then that means there are no visual improvements and those artifacts are still present. All we can do is wait for RIFE devs to train new models. xD

I see there's an ancient madVR guide here, but not much else:
https://kokomins.wordpress.com/2021/03/ … e/#madvr-1

1. Ты Гений!!! Огромное Джедайское Спасибо - чёрная полоса исчезла! Надеюсь теперь и в жизни будет только белая полоса))))
2. На счёт моделей, делаю всё по инструкции, отображается корректно.
3. Эту инструкцию по мадвР читал, делал как в ней, жуткие лаги и шумы на картинке(((
Всё равно спасибо Магистр, и да прибудет с Тобой Сила!
ПС. Каким рендером/плеером пользуешься Ты? может скинешь мне личным сообщением скрины важных настроек?
(1. You are a genius!!! A huge Jedi Thank you - the black stripe is gone! I hope that now in life there will only be a white stripe))))
2. Regarding the models, I do everything according to the instructions, it is displayed correctly.
3. I read this instruction on madvr, did as in it, terrible lags and noise in the picture(((
Still, thank you Master, and may the Force be with you!)
PS. What renderer/player do you use? Maybe you can send me screenshots of important settings in a private message?

Post's attachments

4.25 V2 Heavy.jpg, 79.43 kb, 483 x 624
4.25 V2 Heavy.jpg 79.43 kb, 17 downloads since 2025-01-05 

Darth Mohl Wins.jpg, 40.67 kb, 659 x 624
Darth Mohl Wins.jpg 40.67 kb, 14 downloads since 2025-01-05 

Rife Models.jpg, 62.99 kb, 812 x 484
Rife Models.jpg 62.99 kb, 14 downloads since 2025-01-05 

8 (edited by flowreen91 06-01-2025 11:52:09)

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

MAD_EDy wrote:

2. Regarding the models, I do everything according to the instructions, it is displayed correctly.
3. I read this instruction on madvr, did as in it, terrible lags and noise in the picture(((
Still, thank you Master, and may the Force be with you!)
PS. What renderer/player do you use? Maybe you can send me screenshots of important settings in a private message?

Good job!
In your image you are showing me:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\models\rife_v2"
Please show me this folder instead to confirm that rife_v4.25_heavy.onnx files are correctly generated:
"C:\Users\MAD_EDy\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\cache\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\models\rife_v2"

For now i'm currently using mpv with this upscaling shader:
Could not find a way to import it on MPC HC yet. sad

Yup, it loaded correctly, everything is okay, well done!

9 (edited by MAD_EDy 06-01-2025 10:00:56)

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

flowreen91 wrote:
MAD_EDy wrote:

2. Regarding the models, I do everything according to the instructions, it is displayed correctly.
3. I read this instruction on madvr, did as in it, terrible lags and noise in the picture(((
Still, thank you Master, and may the Force be with you!)
PS. What renderer/player do you use? Maybe you can send me screenshots of important settings in a private message?

Good job!
In your image you are showing me:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\models\rife_v2"
Please show me this folder instead to confirm that rife_v4.25_heavy.onnx files are correctly generated:
"C:\Users\MAD_EDy\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\cache\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\models\rife_v2"

For now i'm currently using mpv with this upscaling shader:
Could not find a way to import it on MPC HC yet. sad

Всё хорошо? (Is everything okay? Correct?)

https://i.gyazo.com/aa4a88cc1ede8a34d1c … bfbe96.png

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

А вот ещё вопросик: почему иногда OSD цветная, а иногда блеклая бесцветная? (Here's another question: why is the OSD sometimes colored, and sometimes faded and colorless?)

Post's attachments

Black OSD.jpg, 27.88 kb, 971 x 164
Black OSD.jpg 27.88 kb, 14 downloads since 2025-01-06 

Color OSD.jpg, 35.01 kb, 971 x 168
Color OSD.jpg 35.01 kb, 12 downloads since 2025-01-06 

11 (edited by flowreen91 06-01-2025 20:40:21)

Re: Полная настройка SVP 4 Pro( HC(2.3.9)+madVR(или MPC VR)

MAD_EDy wrote:

why is the OSD sometimes colored, and sometimes faded and colorless?

I think it's normally colored when it finds a normal video.
It's greyed out when it finds a video with HDR metadata
It's brightly colored when it finds a video with Dolby Vision metadata
If you want to disable it, just uncheck "Show OSD messages" here: