Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!
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SmoothVideo Project → Using SVP → New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!
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Now everything is fine, being in this tab, the smoothing is simply disabled, but nothing freezes and no inscriptions
i have a rtx 5090 and a intel i7 8700k (will upgrade soon). When playing 4K videos, i have 100% cpu usage and 40% gpu. It's very stuttering. Is the cpu is really too old (it's supposed to run mostly on gpu ?!), or do I have something wrong ?
edit: reinstalled svp and reconfigured it, now cpu usage is at 60% and no dropping
however, at x3, the cpu usage goes to 100% and it's dropping. This is because my cpu needs to be upgraded or something is wrong ?
edit2: it reset madvr, that's why it's using less power ^^'
edit3: actually i still have big problems i upgraded to madvr beta, and it stuttered. Switched to mpc video renderer, and still stutter due to 100% cpu
I find that the best thing is always to transcode the video with rife and then watch the file directly on the chosen player, USB TV, Plex, etc... zero problems and it looks great.
i have a rtx 5090 and a intel i7 8700k (will upgrade soon). When playing 4K videos, i have 100% cpu usage and 40% gpu. It's very stuttering. Is the cpu is really too old (it's supposed to run mostly on gpu ?!), or do I have something wrong ?
edit: reinstalled svp and reconfigured it, now cpu usage is at 60% and no dropping
however, at x3, the cpu usage goes to 100% and it's dropping. This is because my cpu needs to be upgraded or something is wrong ?edit2: it reset madvr, that's why it's using less power ^^'
edit3: actually i still have big problems i upgraded to madvr beta, and it stuttered. Switched to mpc video renderer, and still stutter due to 100% cpu
Something wrong because my 10700K have 20% usage maximum during 1080p24>72 realtime playback!
With 4K the CPU usage doesnt increase exponentially, 30% average usage!
RTX 5090 stronger than 8700K (you cant use full GPU potential - CPU usage increase)
Try to decrease RIFE threads number, because 2 threads increase my CPU usage!
for me reducing the number of "gpu threads" to 1 reduce gpu and cpu load, but it's dropping a lot of frames in 4k
for me reducing the number of "gpu threads" to 1 reduce gpu and cpu load, but it's dropping a lot of frames
Then I cant help, but you have CPU bottleneck here, your GPU cant render more frames!
but it's dropping a lot of frames in 4k
4k videos have too many pixels, if system can't handle RIFE 2x, try to use SVP's Automatic 10x or Lossless Scaling's 20x
check where's the next bottleneck based on your current hardware limitations
i have a rtx 5090 and a intel i7 8700k (will upgrade soon). When playing 4K videos, i have 100% cpu usage and 40% gpu. It's very stuttering. Is the cpu is really too old (it's supposed to run mostly on gpu ?!), or do I have something wrong ?
edit: reinstalled svp and reconfigured it, now cpu usage is at 60% and no dropping
however, at x3, the cpu usage goes to 100% and it's dropping. This is because my cpu needs to be upgraded or something is wrong ?edit2: it reset madvr, that's why it's using less power ^^'
edit3: actually i still have big problems i upgraded to madvr beta, and it stuttered. Switched to mpc video renderer, and still stutter due to 100% cpu
Try MPV player. It's basically like using MadVR+MPC but it's more efficient than even MPC by itself. Run the command from the mp64 folder. When it is running press "I" on the keyboard and that will give you the stats. If there are no packets being dropped and the CPU is not at 100% then you can start learning how to configure it properly and add commands to the mpv.conf file in the same mp64 folder.
thanks for your help
When transcoding using nvenc (which uses mpv), I have 100% cpu and 35% gpu usage.
I have even lower performance than before reinstalling svp yesterday
when using svp to "open file via mpv", i have the same. 100% cpu and 35% gpu, and stuttering
edit: i also have HAGS disabled
edit2: "performance boost" enabled or disabled does not solve the problem
edit3: yes i have latest 572.70, but yesterday I had the previous one 572.60 i think
edit4: windows 11, is not fresh. I would like not to format it, I have too many things configured/installed ... I will try older driver
edit5: i can't go below 572.16, which is the first to support 5000
thanks for your help
When transcoding using nvenc (which uses mpv), I have 100% cpu and 35% gpu usage.
I have even lower performance than before reinstalling svp yesterdaywhen using svp to "open file via mpv", i have the same. 100% cpu and 35% gpu, and stuttering
You cant see over 70% GPU usage because of processor bottlenecks, weird things happens!
10700K/4070OC with 4K realtime output gives me 36% CPU usage maximum (2 threads)
EDIT1: Try GPU acceleration!
EDIT2: Try performance boost!
EDIT3: Try HAGS options!
EDIT4: Fresh Windows 10/11?
EDIT5: Try older GPU drivers!
i DDUed to 572.70 and 572.16 (the lowest compatible with rtx 5000), and both have the same cpu usage at 100%. Indeed the gpu usage on taks manager is incorrect, but it's still less than 70%. HAGS still disabled
afterburner also tells 100%cpu usage
unfortunately, transcoding is using less resource than when played using madvr, due to hdr tone mapping and other things like that, so it's not playing correctly ...
so there is something wrong with my cpu, or my cpu is too old because yours is 10700 mine is 8700k, maybe there is something "important" that changed ...
edit2: tested model 4.9v2, it has the opposite ... less than 70%cpu and around 100%gpu, but stuttering ... When transcoding with 4.9v2, 50-70%gpu, 100%cpu and 51fps
edit3: scale -355201998 and image comparison + scene change threshold 25%, model 4.25v2 and driver 572.70 gives me 55fps and 100% cpu usage and 60-70% gpu
edit4: i don't have purchased a 5090 to downscale videos, but with -288001620 i have for both gpu and cpu less than 50% usage but still dropped frames
edit5: transcoding wasn't working properly because it switched to a "less than 4k resolution" profile which was x3. It's fluid if I reduce the resolution now and keep at fps x2.
But my goal to all of this was not to find a workaround by compromising on quality, but simply to know if it's normal that it use cpu so much.
Thanks a lot for all your help but i think my only real solution is to upgrade the cpu
edit6: i don't know what is going on, but now I have 60% cpu and 100%gpu without resize and still extreme stuttering at fps x2 4k
i DDUed to 572.70 and 572.16 (the lowest compatible with rtx 5000), and both have the same cpu usage at 100%. Indeed the gpu usage on taks manager is incorrect, but it's still less than 70%. HAGS still disabled
My task manager reports 36% overall usage! Your task manager reports 100% with 80% mpv usage!
EDIT1: I should say, you supposed to have 60FPS transcoding speed for realtime playback without issues!
EDIT2: I recomend to take Afterburner + SVP usage reports for exact CPU usage!
EDIT3: Try to rescale and pick Image Comparison method 25% please!
Thats reported or noticeable drops?
Doesnt matter why you purchased 5090 since you have CPU bottleneck!
Something weird with your CPU performance, asked a friend to test exact same SVP4 Pro package with same settings!
Your PC: 8700K/5090 | My PC: 10700K/4070 | His PC: 9700/4070S
He cant go over 50% CPU usage with 4K transcoding!
EDIT4: I recomend you Lossless Scaling program as alternative, 8 times less demanding than RIFE but 4 times less accurate, great solution for 4K realtime over 100FPS without drops until CPU upgrade!
I watched full movie Matrix Ressurections 3840x1600 RIFE 4.9v2 x2 mode, 2 GPU threads, GPU average temp 66C degrees, mpv reports 200 dropped frames out of 2h28min movie, no stutters, 4070 without overclock offsets! Maximum realtime CPU usage 34% w/Afterburner reports, 32% SVP program, 30% NVIDIA overlay, 40% Task manager, 98% average GPU usage, 180 watts average!
5090 and ... 8700K. I'm not laughing, I'm just perplexed. You have a video card, the owners of which are now considered the most successful (and rich))) at the moment. But at the same time, you have a 2017 platform. Dissonance. Maybe the chipset and pci-e can't, or something else besides the processor. I have 13900K + 4090, everything is great, if 4K>1440p x 3, or 4K x 2 (x3 on v2)
If both oriento and mentioned a sudden performance drop compared to previously
it could mean that one of the recent SVP updates like updating python version or one of the recent hotfixes increase the processing power required for live interpolation just above their system's capabilities
but we don't have a downgrade SVP button to let them investigate
best scenario would be if devs try to interpolate a video on one of their machines at high enough processing power that they can reproduce their issue, but not too high so rollbacking a couple of SVP updates would see a noticeable performance improvement
this means devs should go through "A few weeks ago..." of SVP changes in order to confirm if slowdown is related to a critical component that requires updates or not to conclude if it's fixable or if we should just blame Nvidia's latest drivers
offtopic question:
this looks promising and uses RIFE and Vapoursynth, would it be possible to integrate on top of SVP with a checkbox?
or probably not worth it
5090 and ... 8700K. I'm not laughing, I'm just perplexed. You have a video card, the owners of which are now considered the most successful (and rich))) at the moment. But at the same time, you have a 2017 platform. Dissonance. Maybe the chipset and pci-e can't, or something else besides the processor. I have 13900K + 4090, everything is great, if 4K>1440p x 3, or 4K x 2 (x3 on v2)
i just changed gpu, I was using a rtx 2080 up to few days ago. Now I will change the cpu soon. I have not changed everything all at once.
I don't know if performance dropped recently. I was playing 1080p with my old gpu
SmoothVideo Project → Using SVP → New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!
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