FAQ (Android)

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Is my device XXX supported

We don't have any phone/tablet on the planet in our hands. This is why you can try SVPlayer by yourself for free and decide if it works for you or not.

Why my device is not supported?

Various reasons:

  • Android version older than 9;
  • less than 2 GB of RAM (at least 3 GB is highly recommended);

Recommended hardware?

Snapdragon 865 or equal, 4 GB of RAM

Will you support Android TV?

Yes! Please find the TV-version APK on the downloads page!

However there aren't many TV boxes that can handle on-device frame interpolation. Best ones are RK3588-based, can only do 1080p videos.

As a workaround you can offload frame interpolation job to the desktop PC running SVP 4 and stream high frame rate video from there. More details there.

In any case your TV box must be a 64-bit Android 9 or later to be able to install SVPlayer TV.

My device lagging / stuttering!

There're various methods to lower CPU consumption:

  • on the "Frame rate" page move the performance/quality slider to the left, step by step;
  • on the "Size and light" page set the "Decrease frame" to at least 1080p, or even to 720p.
  • for the 10-bit video, _disable_ the "Allow output in 10-bit color depth" option
  • turn off hardware decoder (the HW button), this may help in some cases

If nothing helps you still can stream high frame rate video from your desktop PC running SVP 4.

There's no video / green screen / etc

Try to turn off hardware decoding (via options, or with the HW button). Not every SoC supports hardware decoding of every video format or codec.

Interlaced video is not detected as interlaced

Again, turn off hardware decoding.

I can't install from Google Play

Can I pay via Alipay or Wechat?

There's an "ungoogled" (i.e. not requiring any of Google services installed) APK available to download from the Downloads section. And you can pay for this version right on our web site with Alipay and other methods.

I paid via Google Play but the app asks for payment again

This is basically a Google's bug with multiple Google accounts on a device, when Google Play Services don't provide purchase information to the app. This can happen, for example, after the app has been updated from a different account.

  • make sure you have actually paid - i.e. you have a payment confirmation from Google and an Order ID that looks like GPA.xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
  • make sure you have an active internet connection
  • uninstall SVPlayer
  • select the Google account that was used for the purchase in Google Play
  • re-install SVPlayer from the correct Google account

Can I open Youtube (P**nhub, etc.) video?

You need a direct link to the M3U8 stream. You can use 3rd-party software, for example "Web Video Caster" can open network stream in an external player.

Web Video Caster doesn't launch SVPlayer in Android 12

This is an Android 12 limitation. Here's an explanation and possible workaround: https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-fix-android-12-link-handling/

Dolby Vision videos are playing with incorrect colors

  1. Enable Experimental video renderer from the Playback page
  2. In case colors are still incorrect - turn off HW decoding

Audio normalization

SVPlayer uses ffmpeg's dynaudnorm filter to do audio normalization. However it has too many advanced options to configure in case you don't like how it sounds with the default values.

You can put any configuration you like into main.player.audio.norm.params (For nerds -> right, right), in the form of single string with different options separated by ':'. The default value is 'f=75:g=25:p=0.55'.

I can't find ASS/SSA subtitles on local storage

This is a limitation of Anroid 11+, it only allows to browse "media files" and .ass/.ssa are not "media" according to Google. You can still open them using the native file picker (green robot button).

How to use GLSL shaders?

For nerds -> right, right -> mpv.conf. Add something like this:


(/sdcard/... path may not work here)

Can't use GLSL shaders in Google Play version

The same reason as above, Android 11+ only allows using a few "media files" extensions, and mpv doesn't care about extensions at all, so if you rename my-shader.glsl to my-shader.srt - it will work ;)

Selecting screen resolution

By default SVPlayer uses the highest available screen resolution. In some cases you may want to override this, for example Samsung Note20 supports 120 Hz at 1080p resolution only, while 1440p is limited with 60 Hz. You can set the screen resolution from the Playback page.

Getting Plex token

You need a Plex token (also called "X-Plex-Token") to connect Plex server from SVPlayer.

This ISN'T a password you're using to sign in to Plex!

To get your Plex token:

  1. Open the Plex Web App in a web browser and sign in to your Plex account.
  2. On any library item, press the "three dots" button in the bottom corner, select Get info, and then click View XML.
  3. Look in the URL and find the token as the "X-Plex-Token" value. For the simplicity, you can just copy the whole URL string into SVPlayer, it will extract the token automatically.

Xml info token.png

Getting Emby API key

You need an API key to connect Emby server from SVPlayer.

This ISN'T a password you're using to sign in to Emby!

To get / create an API key:

  1. Open the Emby in a web browser and sign in.
  2. Click the settings button, navigate to Advanced -> Api Keys.
  3. Either create a new Api key, or take an existing one if any.
  4. Api key is a 32-characters-long string, copy it into SVPlayer.

I see "Error checking license" message after launching.

SVPlayer needs direct access to www.svp-team.com web site for the license approval. If you're contacting us regarding this error please tell us the indicated error code.

I've sent a bug report but there's no response

We don't know your email address unless you explicitly put it into the bug report form. Even if you're a paid user we still don't know your account address, Google doesn't share this information with us.

Is there's an iOS version?

Yes, it's already here! See iOS FAQ