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Setting up mpv

(developer's web site)

mpv must be built with Vapoursynth support.

Installation - Windows

Install the following packages via SVP's "Additional programs and features":

  • [VPS_64] mpv video player and/or
  • [VPS_64] mpv shared library

You can also use builds by shinchiro, but SVP's builds may have some tweaks missing in the 'official' mpv necessary in some cases.

Installation - Linux

See building instructions

Installation - macOS

Install mpv from Homebrew

Compiling mpv from sources

To use Vapoursynth filters you have to install the Vapoursynth package and build mpv 0.17.0 or later with the --enable-vapoursynth build flag.

Basic settings

The only necessary mpv option is (Linux and macOS)


or (Windows)


You can put this line into mpv.conf (usually located in ~/.config/mpv on OS X and Linux and in %APPDATA%\mpv on Windows)

# or

Since SVP >= 4.3.191 (2020-04-11) you can use the mpvSockets LUA script instead of fixed 'input-ipc-server'. This will also allow to use SVP in more than one mpv windows simultaneously.

Only "copy-back" hardware video decoders are compatible with Vapoursynth filters, use


This one fixes audio desync


"Watch later" feature is not compatible with SVP, set


More useful options:

# Can fix stuttering in some cases, in other cases probably causes it. Try it if you experience stuttering on macOS.

Since mpv has tons of options it's recommended to use SMPlayer instead of plain mpv (sadly NOT for OS X users).

Advanced features

  • autospeedwin - the script to adjust monitor refresh rate to match video speed
  • autospeed - the same script for Linux
  • mpvSockets - creates one IPC sockets per mpv instance, instead of one socket for the last started instance