Setting up mpv
mpv must be built with Vapoursynth support.
Installation - Windows
Install the following packages via SVP's "Additional programs and features":
- [VPS_64] mpv video player and/or
- [VPS_64] mpv shared library
You can also use builds by shinchiro, but SVP's builds may have some tweaks missing in the 'official' mpv necessary in some cases.
Installation - Linux
Installation - macOS
Compiling mpv from sources
To use Vapoursynth filters you have to install the Vapoursynth package and build mpv 0.17.0 or later with the --enable-vapoursynth build flag.
Basic settings
The only necessary mpv option is (Linux and macOS)
or (Windows)
You can put this line into mpv.conf (usually located in ~/.config/mpv on OS X and Linux and in %APPDATA%\mpv on Windows)
input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket # or input-ipc-server=mpvpipe
Since SVP >= 4.3.191 (2020-04-11) you can use the mpvSockets LUA script instead of fixed 'input-ipc-server'. This will also allow to use SVP in more than one mpv windows simultaneously.
Only "copy-back" hardware video decoders are compatible with Vapoursynth filters, use
hwdec=auto-copy hwdec-codecs=all
This one fixes audio desync
"Watch later" feature is not compatible with SVP, set
More useful options:
# Can fix stuttering in some cases, in other cases probably causes it. Try it if you experience stuttering on macOS. opengl-early-flush=no
Since mpv has tons of options it's recommended to use SMPlayer instead of plain mpv (sadly NOT for OS X users).
Advanced features
- autospeedwin - the script to adjust monitor refresh rate to match video speed
- autospeed - the same script for Linux
- mpvSockets - creates one IPC sockets per mpv instance, instead of one socket for the last started instance